Connecting veterans to resources

July 26, 2018

Public Relations

Kevin Mayfield retired from the Army in 2004 having spent his career in military logistics. Through the military, he was exposed to the logistics of aviation, engineering, transportation, medicine, and military intelligence—a broad base of experience which has allowed him to continue his logistics career as a civilian.

"I got to see all of the major organizations operate logistically. That made me more well-rounded," said Mayfield. "Even though I have a vast amount of experience in the logistics arena, what I needed to do is enroll in a program that... will give me better tools in understanding the formal process, in addition to what I've learned throughout my military and civilian career."

Mayfield was exposed to Palo Alto College through his previous employer. Now, he is taking a break from work to begin working toward his Associate of Applied Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from Palo Alto College this fall.

"You need a college education to be competitive," said Mayfield. "[Veterans] have the experience, knowledge, and maturity. You have the tools given to you from the time you enlisted. Those are valuable tools, but you balance yourself with an education. With the education and the experience, that puts you in a category that's more competitive."

Mayfield attended Palo Alto College's Veterans Education Summit in July 2018 to learn more about VA educational benefits and available community resources. Situated in Military City, USA, Palo Alto College hosted this free workshop to inform current, transitioning, and former military service men and women and their families about using military veteran educational benefits or the Texas Hazelwood Exemption to pursue higher education.

"Every college has representatives that can help you navigate if there are new requirements or changes," said Mayfield. "Coming out to Palo Alto College and understanding what the VA representatives can do for me as far as getting me enrolled, meeting the requirements, and attending college is really helpful."

The event also connected veterans to representatives from community resources, including the Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals (VAREP), Family Endeavors, and more. Mayfield was particularly excited about connecting with the Wounded Warrior Project because of their personal, professional, and family support programs.

"It's important for these services to be provided so that every veteran has the knowledge of how to get help," said Mayfield. "Palo Alto College has a strong presence of prior military servicemembers. [The Veterans Education Summit] is a great tool that they are providing for student veterans."

The Veterans Education Summit brought together the services that Palo Alto College's Office of Veterans Affairs provide to students every day. Any current, transitioning, and former military service men and women and their families interested in using educational benefits or connecting with community resources can contact the VA office by calling 210-486-3111 or visiting them in the Palomino Center (PC-111).