News Brief: Feb. 25, 2019

February 25, 2019

Public Relations

The weekly news brief contains the latest news and information from Palo Alto College.

PAC English Professor Published by NISOD
Dr. Rafael Castillo, English professor at Palo Alto College, penned a white paper titled "Building an Academic Culture for Success," which was published by the University of Texas at Austin's The NISOD Papers. This is the first time the publication selected a white paper written by an Alamo Colleges District faculty member. Click here to read the white paper.

PAC hosts Sweetheart Dance for Seniors
For the third year, Palo Alto College (PAC) hosted the District 4 Senior Sweetheart Dance for in collaboration District 4 councilmember, Ray Saldaña. This year’s event brought more than 250 senior citizens to campus to celebrate the vibrant South Side community with food, dancing, and friends. PAC’s Cosmetology Learning Studio students performed free manicures and hair styling for attendees, showcasing their talents to make the senior citizens look and feel their best.

PAC hosts NYT Best Selling Author for Black History Month
Author Morgan Jerkins visited Palo Alto College (PAC) as part of its annual Black History Month celebration with a presentation and discussion about her experiences as a writer. Jerkins’ collection of essays, This Will Be My Undoing: Living at the Intersection of Black, Female, and Feminist in (White) America, was a New York Times bestseller in 2018. The essays interweave her incisive commentary on pop culture, feminism, and black history with her own experiences of being a black woman in America.

PAC Food Fair Serves Students and Community
The Palo Alto College (PAC) S.H.A.R.E. Center’s Healthy Hub distributed free boxes of food items to area households. Student, staff, and faculty volunteers gave out over 10,000 pounds of food to more than 100 families. The event was hosted in collaboration with San Antonio Food Bank and Communities in Schools. San Antonio Food Bank’s Mobile Mercado will also be on-site to offer cooking demos, nutritionists, and essential household food items.

PAC Gives Back
Palo Alto College (PAC) celebrated its fourth annual student community service event, PAC Gives Back. Students had the opportunity to come together and give back to their community by volunteering their time with one of the following community partners: San Antonio Food Bank at the PAC Food Fair, Daughters of Charity, or Texas Diaper Bank.


Want to share your PAC news, activities, accomplishments, awards, and more on the News Brief? Email following the guidelines below.

Submission guidelines:
• Title: All submissions should include a title
• Body: Do not exceed 80 words or 3-4 full sentences
• No bullets; use full sentences only
• Use proper grammar and punctuation