圣安东尼奥学院 earns prestigious 密封的 Excelencia certification


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Excelencia 在教育, the nation’s premier authority on efforts accelerating Latino student success in higher education, announced 圣安东尼奥学院 has been certified with the prestigious 密封的 Excelencia 在2022年通过数据展示, 循证实践, 和领导能力, 它是如何为拉丁裔学生服务的.

今年是第四年 Excelencia, a Latina-led organization founded to accelerate Latino student success in higher education, 献上了 Excelencia—a national certification process supporting institutional transformation to serve Latino, 和所有, 学生.

密封的 Excelencia framework was developed with colleges and universities over many years as a tool for institutional self-assessment. 的 Seal certification is valid for three years and institutions committed to a journey of transformation to intentionally serve their Latino 学生 may choose to apply.

“圣安东尼奥学院荣幸地获得了 Excelencia 认证,”博士说. 弗朗西斯科·索利斯,SAC临时总裁. “We are a Hispanic Serving Institution with  more than 60 percent Latino student population. We are deeply gratified that our work to ensure all our 学生 succeed has been recognized.”

Excelencia 认可了SAC和其他五家获得了the印章的机构 Excelencia 首次,9家机构重新获得认证. 的se institutions join 15 other Seal-certified institutions from around the country. 结合, the 30 Seal-certified institutions enrolled 13 percent and graduated 14 percent of all Latinos in the U.S. 最近一年, and they are projecting to continue increasing their efforts to lead the nation.

Excelencia 在教育中创造了印章 Excelencia to differentiate institutions that became Hispanic-Serving Institutions because of demography and geography from those that are Hispanic-Serving because of intentionality and impact,黛博拉·圣地亚哥说, 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Excelencia. “印章为所有机构提供了路线图, 数据主导, 实践, 和领导能力, 这并没有随着认证而结束. It supports a path to intentionally making progress in serving Latino 学生.” 

除了国资委外,另一个新认证的印章是 Excelencia 院校包括:Mercy 大学 (NY), 德克萨斯州立大学, 奥尔巴尼大学-纽约州立大学, 加州大学, 圣克鲁斯(加州), 和德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校(TX).

An institution earns the Seal by demonstrating alignment across the three core areas of data, 实践, 和领导能力, 显示:

  • Evidence of effectiveness and intentionality in institutional 实践s serving Latino 学生
  • 拉丁裔学生的数据取得了积极进展
  • Dedication to transforming the institution into an environment where Latino 学生 thrive
  • Strategies in leadership that clearly articulate institutional focus on advancing Latino student success

Excelencia 联合创始人兼总裁萨丽塔·布朗说, “我们被对封印的积极和积极的回应所鼓舞 Excelencia 许多人和机构. 我们在2018年推出海豹突击队是因为, after years of offering information and evidence-based tactics and strategies to support colleges and universities we saw a slow response to the vibrant and growing Latino student population. Excelencia has 18 years of experience and know-how to support institutions and their leaders who are ready to transform to SERVE Latino 学生. 我们认识到 Excelencia could do more to support these institutions and that together we would move faster.”

布朗接着说,“对海豹印章的回应 Excelencia by colleges and universities is evidence of leadership within higher education and its capacity to meet this moment in our country. Excelencia continues making common cause with leaders from all sectors who recognize that supporting the success of today’s Latino college 学生 grows our country’s talent and ensures America’s bright future.”

封印不是一种排名,也不是一种奖励. It is a rigorous verification process that culminates with certification. Excelencia began Seal certification as one of the organization’s transformational strategies to lead colleges and universities to go beyond simply enrolling Latino 学生. 的 Seal provides the means to use data and 实践 to instill intentionality in serving Latino 学生.
